
Differences between British English and American English Abstract: I want to explain the differences in the following aspects: stress in pronunciation, spelling, meaning, vocabulary and usage. I will compare these two languages in theory and use some examples. I think we can learn more through this kind of research.

  Key words: stress, spelling, meaning, use.

  Introduction: English is one of the most important languages in the world. It is important because of its worldwide use. Large numbers of people in the world speak and write English as a foreign language for the purpose of science, technology, and international communication. It is apparently that English is the most studied and used language in the world.

  English is unmistakably one language but can be grouped into two major varieties, British and American English which have their own character. Grammatical differences between British English and American English are few. I want to explain the differences in the following aspects: pronunciation, spelling, meaning, vocabulary and usage. I will compare these two languages in theory and use some examples. I think we can learn more through this kind of research.

  I .differences in stress in pronunciation

  There is obvious change on stress in British English and American English. British English tends to stress strongly one syllable, usually the first and hurry over the rest of the word. American English tends to put the stress on the first syllable but also to put a secondary stress on the latter syllable and pronounces the remaining syllables more distinctly.

  ⑴ Loan words from French in American English usually put the stress on the last syllable and this is absolutely different from British English.

  e.g.: attaché / ? t ` ei/ / ` t ? ei/

  ballet / b ?` l ei/ /` b ? l ei/

  ⑵ Words ended up with ate in American English always put the stress on