SSAT考试数学5套题+答案.pdf 27页

SSAT 数学模拟题
  SSAT 考试数学练习题(1)
  1. Add 0.98 + 45.102 + 32.3333 + 31 + 0.00009
  A. 368.573
  B. 210.536299
  C. 109.41539
  D. 99.9975
  E. 80.8769543
  2. Find 0.12 ÷ 1
  A. 12
  B. 1.2
  C. .12
  D. .012
  E. .0012
  3. (9 ÷ 3) x (8 ÷ 4)
  A. 1
  B. 6
  C. 72
  D. 576
  E. 752
  4. 6 x 0 x 5
  A. 30
  B. 11
  C. 25
  D. 0
  E. 27
  5. 7.95 ÷ 1.5
  A. 2.4
  B. 5.3
  C. 6.2
  D. 7.3
  E. 7.5
  SSAT 数学模拟题
  6. -32 + 7 equals:
  A. -25
  B. 25
  C. -26
  D. 26
  E. 27
  7. -37 + -47 equals:
  A. 64
  B. -84
  C. 65
  D. -75
  E. -66
  8. 41% equals:
  A. 4.1
  B. .41
  C. .041
  D. .0041
  E. .00415
  答案:1.B 2.C 3.B 4.0 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B
  1. Round 907.457 to the nearest tens place.
  A. 908.0
  B. 910
  C. 907.5
  D. 900
  E. 907.46
  2. At a certain high school, the respective weights for the following subjects are:
  Mathematics 3, English 3, History 2, Science 2 and Art 1.
  What is a student's average whose marks were the following: Geometry 89, American
  Literature 92, American History 94, Biology 81, and Sculpture 85?
  A. 85.7
  B. 87.8
  C. 88.9
  D. 89.4
  E. 90.2
  SSAT 数学模拟题
  3. Ginger over the course of an average work-week wanted to see how much she spent
  on lunch daily. On Monday and Thursday, she spent $5.43 total. On Tuesday and
  Wednesday, she spent $3.54 on each day. On Friday, she spent $7.89 on lunch. What
  was her average daily cost?
  A. $3.19
  B. $3.75
  C. $3.90
  D. $4.08
  E. $4.23
  4. What is 1230.932567 rounded to the nearest hundredths place?
  A. 1200
  B. 1230.9326
  C. 1230.93
  D. 1230
  E. 1230.933
  5. Subtract the following numbers rounded to the