
  英 [bend] 美 [bend]
  (1) The branches bent in the wind.(2) The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed along it.(3) They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands.(4) She can't bend him to her will.(5) He could not bend his mind to his studies .(6) The stream takes a sudden bend to the east.(7) There is a sharp bend in the road here.
  (1) 树枝被风吹弯了。(2) 那男孩爬上树枝时,树枝弯曲了,但是没有折断。(3) 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的要求。(4) 她无法使他服从自己的意志。(5) 他不能专心于他的功课。(6) 小溪突然转向东流。(7) 这段路上有一处急转弯。
  To bend is to curve. You can bend physically, as when you practice yoga, and also figuratively, the way you do when you "bend over backwards," working hard to make something happen, especially on behalf of another person.
  Tree trunks and branches are able to bend when they're whipped by strong wind — this way, they're usually able to avoid breaking. A bend in the road is a curve, and to bend the rules is to change them slightly in a specific instance. If you try to do a backbend, you have to arch or bend your spine and lean back until her head hangs down and your hands touch the floor. It's a move for the young and flexible. The Old English root, bendan, specifically referred to bending or stretching a bow.
  1[VERB 动词]弯腰;俯身;弯曲 When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend . [V adv/prep] [V] [V-ed]I bent over and kissed her cheek...我俯身亲吻了她的脸颊。Turn the pot if the plants show signs of bending towards the light...如果花草有向阳性,就把花盆转一下。She bent and picked up a plastic bucket...她弯腰提起一个塑料桶。She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.她俯在水槽边洗盘子。2[VERB 动词]低(头);俯(首) When you bend your head, you move your head forwards and downwards. [V n]Rick appeared, bending his head a little to clear the top of the door.里克到了,进门时为了避开门楣稍微低了下头。3[V-ERG 及物/不及物动词]弯曲(手臂、腿等);(手臂、腿等)弯曲 When you bend a part of your body such as your arm or leg, or when it bends, you change its position so that it is no longer straight. [V n] [V]These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners bending their legs...这些残酷的刑具是用来阻止犯人弯腿的。As you walk faster, you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly.走快时,你会发现手臂会自然弯曲,而且频率会更快。bentKeep your knees slightly bent.保持双膝稍稍弯曲。4[VERB 动词]使弯曲;使变弯 If you bend something that is flat or straight, you use force to make it curved or to put an angle in it. [V n prep] [V n] [Also V n with adv]Bend the bar into a horseshoe...把铁条弯成马蹄形。She'd cut a jagged hole in the tin, bending a knife in the process.她在罐头上曲里拐弯地划了个口,其间还弄弯了一把小刀。bent...a length of bent wire.一段弯曲的铁丝5[V-ERG 及物/不及物动词](使)(路、光束等)弯曲 When a road, beam of light, or other long thin thing bends, or when something bends it, it changes direction to form a curve or angle. [V] [V n]The road bent slightly to the right...这条路稍微朝右弯。Glass bends light of different colours by different amounts.玻璃对不同颜色的光的折射量不同。6[N-COUNT 可数名词](路、管道等的)弯曲处,转弯处 A bend in a road, pipe, or other long thin object is a curve or angle in it. The crash occurred on a sharp bend.撞车发生在一个急转弯处。...an historic town nestling in a bend of the river.一个坐落在河曲处的历史名镇7[VERB 动词]屈从;不情愿地服从 If someone bends to your wishes, they believe or do something different, usually when they do not want to. [V to n] [V] [Also V n]Congress has to bend to his will...国会不得不屈从于他的意志。Do you think she's likely to bend on her attitude to Europe?你认为她会改变对欧洲的态度吗?8[VERB 动词]曲解,通融,篡改(规则、法律等) If you bend rules or laws, you interpret them in a way that allows you to do something they would not normally allow you to do. [V n]A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.少数官员准备篡改规则。9[VERB 动词]歪曲(事实) If you bend the truth or bend the facts, you say something that is not exactly true. [V n]Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts.有时我们会稍微变动一下事实,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。10See also:bent;hairpin bend; 11[PHRASE 短语]竭尽全力 If you say that someone is bending over backwards to be helpful or kind, you are emphasizing that they are trying very hard to be helpful or kind. [V inflects] [emphasis]People are bending over backwards to please customers.人们正使出浑身解数取悦顾客。
  英 [bend] 美 [bend]
  (1) The branches bent in the wind.(2) The branch bent but didn't break when the boy climbed along it.(3) They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands.(4) She can't bend him to her will.(5) He could not bend his mind to his studies .(6) The stream takes a sudden bend to the east.(7) There is a sharp bend in the road here.
  (1) 树枝被风吹弯了。(2) 那男孩爬上树枝时,树枝弯曲了,但是没有折断。(3) 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的要求。(4) 她无法使他服从自己的意志。(5) 他不能专心于他的功课。(6) 小溪突然转向东流。(7) 这段路上有一处急转弯。
  To bend is to curve. You can bend physically, as when you practice yoga, and also figuratively, the way you do when you "bend over backwards," working hard to make something happen, especially on behalf of another person.
  Tree trunks and branches are able to bend when they're whipped by strong wind — this way, they're usually able to avoid breaking. A bend in the road is a curve, and to bend the rules is to change them slightly in a specific instance. If you try to do a backbend, you have to arch or bend your spine and lean back until her head hangs down and your hands touch the floor. It's a move for the young and flexible. The Old English root, bendan, specifically referred to bending or stretching a bow.
  1[VERB 动词]弯腰;俯身;弯曲 When you bend, you move the top part of your body downwards and forwards. Plants and trees also bend . [V adv/prep] [V] [V-ed]I bent over and kissed her cheek...我俯身亲吻了她的脸颊。Turn the pot if the plants show signs of bending towards the light...如果花草有向阳性,就把花盆转一下。She bent and picked up a plastic bucket...她弯腰提起一个塑料桶。She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.她俯在水槽边洗盘子。2[VERB 动词]低(头);俯(首) When you bend your head, you move your head forwards and downwards. [V n]Rick appeared, bending his head a little to clear the top of the door.里克到了,进门时为了避开门楣稍微低了下头。3[V-ERG 及物/不及物动词]弯曲(手臂、腿等);(手臂、腿等)弯曲 When you bend a part of your body such as your arm or leg, or when it bends, you change its position so that it is no longer straight. [V n] [V]These cruel devices are designed to stop prisoners bending their legs...这些残酷的刑具是用来阻止犯人弯腿的。As you walk faster, you will find the arms bend naturally and more quickly.走快时,你会发现手臂会自然弯曲,而且频率会更快。bentKeep your knees slightly bent.保持双膝稍稍弯曲。4[VERB 动词]使弯曲;使变弯 If you bend something that is flat or straight, you use force to make it curved or to put an angle in it. [V n prep] [V n] [Also V n with adv]Bend the bar into a horseshoe...把铁条弯成马蹄形。She'd cut a jagged hole in the tin, bending a knife in the process.她在罐头上曲里拐弯地划了个口,其间还弄弯了一把小刀。bent...a length of bent wire.一段弯曲的铁丝5[V-ERG 及物/不及物动词](使)(路、光束等)弯曲 When a road, beam of light, or other long thin thing bends, or when something bends it, it changes direction to form a curve or angle. [V] [V n]The road bent slightly to the right...这条路稍微朝右弯。Glass bends light of different colours by different amounts.玻璃对不同颜色的光的折射量不同。6[N-COUNT 可数名词](路、管道等的)弯曲处,转弯处 A bend in a road, pipe, or other long thin object is a curve or angle in it. The crash occurred on a sharp bend.撞车发生在一个急转弯处。...an historic town nestling in a bend of the river.一个坐落在河曲处的历史名镇7[VERB 动词]屈从;不情愿地服从 If someone bends to your wishes, they believe or do something different, usually when they do not want to. [V to n] [V] [Also V n]Congress has to bend to his will...国会不得不屈从于他的意志。Do you think she's likely to bend on her attitude to Europe?你认为她会改变对欧洲的态度吗?8[VERB 动词]曲解,通融,篡改(规则、法律等) If you bend rules or laws, you interpret them in a way that allows you to do something they would not normally allow you to do. [V n]A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.少数官员准备篡改规则。9[VERB 动词]歪曲(事实) If you bend the truth or bend the facts, you say something that is not exactly true. [V n]Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts.有时我们会稍微变动一下事实,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。10See also:bent;hairpin bend; 11[PHRASE 短语]竭尽全力 If you say that someone is bending over backwards to be helpful or kind, you are emphasizing that they are trying very hard to be helpful or kind. [V inflects] [emphasis]People are bending over backwards to please customers.人们正使出浑身解数取悦顾客。