
数学中的乘方在英语中对应的单词是: Exponentiation
  Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written an, involving two numbers, the base a and the exponent n. When n is a positive integer, exponentiation corresponds to repeated multiplication:
  a2 = a·a is called the square of a because the area of a square with side-length a is a2.
  a3 = a·a·a is called the cube, because the volume of a cube with side-length a is a3.
  So 32 is pronounced "three squared",and 23 is "two cubed".
  因此,102 应该读作 "ten squared", 103应该读作 "ten cubed".
  The exponent says how many copies of the base are multiplied together. For example, 35 =3·3·3·3·3=243. The base 3 appears 5 times in the repeated multiplication, because the exponent is 5. Here, 3 is the base, 5 is the exponent, and 243 is the power or, more specifically, the fifth power of 3 or 3 raised to the fifth power.
  The word "raised" is usually omitted, and most often "power" as well, so 35 is typically pronounced "three to the fifth" or "three to the five".
  所以,105的发音应该是 ten to the fifth 或 ten to the five.
  Exponentiation with base 10 is used in scientific notation to describe large or small numbers. For instance, 299,792,458 (the speed of light in a vacuum, in meters per second) can be written as 2.99792458·108 and then approximated as 2.998·108, (or sometimes as 299.8·106, or 299.8E+6, especially in computer software).