pets口语历年真题大全.doc 30页

  口试场次:上、下午各一场 (两套不同的试题)   考试代码347 (上午)
  Part A
  Questions:   Could you tell us something about your family?   What does your family usually do for the weekend?   Do you enjoy it? Why?   What do you think of living together with your parents?
  Can you tell me something about your job or study?   What do you enjoy most about your work or school?   What do you dislike about your work or school?   Do you have any future plans?   毫无悬念,今年口试第一部分的问答题和往年如出一辙。很多考生都是对答如流,当然只要是参加过考前培训的学生,能做到这一点是相当容易的。在这一部分,有备而来的学生可以给考官一个非常良好的印象,同时考生自己通过这一环节的流利对答也可以增加信心,减少压力和紧张感。
  Part B
  Now we would like you to talk about something between yourselves. We are just going to listen.   Suppose there is something to be built or planted in your city neighborhood. The picture sheet shows you four choices 1) fitness facilities 2) a fountain 3) trees or grasses 4) statues   Please talk to each other about your suggestion and give your reasons. It’s not necessary to agree with each other. (3 minutes)   看到第二环节的题目的时候,作为考官的我,凭着多年PETS的教学经验知道要让一个PETS3的考生在考官的指导性语言中,马上听清楚并反应过来什么是 fitness facilities, fountain and statues 是有一定的困难的。果然,我的担心被考生们的现场表现给证实了。80%的学生都没能听懂考官的指导性语言。继而在这一部分中造成严重的偏题现象。   其中值得一提的是很多考生对这一环节的口试形式很不熟悉,不清楚这是一个互相交流的环节。很多考生是自顾自己说,没有一点的互动。而有的考生还以为是需要描述图片,所以就把一到四副图进行详细的描述,没有任何自己的观点。其实所有这些对于考试形式的不熟悉都可以在考前的培训班中得到解决,更了解题型也就意味着能更从容地面对这样的考试。
  Part C
  Now I will give each of a different picture. We would like you to first describe it and then tell us what you think about it.   Picture 1 (for Candidate A)   The mother was asking his son to do some house work, but he escaped. (Candidate A: 1.5 minutes; Candidate B: 0.5 minute)   Picture 2 (for Candidate B)   A girl is frightened by a huge pet dog. (Candidate B: 1.5 minutes; Candidate A: 0.5 minute)   在这一环节要求学生先对所给出的图画,进行简单的描述,再陈述自己的观点。其实向上面出现的两副画面都不算太难,只要有一定生活常识的考生都可以有话可讲。考生在这一环节里
  口试场次:上、下午各一场 (两套不同的试题)   考试代码347 (上午)
  Part A
  Questions:   Could you tell us something about your family?   What does your family usually do for the weekend?   Do you enjoy it? Why?   What do you think of living together with your parents?
  Can you tell me something about your job or study?   What do you enjoy most about your work or school?   What do you dislike about your work or school?   Do you have any future plans?   毫无悬念,今年口试第一部分的问答题和往年如出一辙。很多考生都是对答如流,当然只要是参加过考前培训的学生,能做到这一点是相当容易的。在这一部分,有备而来的学生可以给考官一个非常良好的印象,同时考生自己通过这一环节的流利对答也可以增加信心,减少压力和紧张感。
  Part B
  Now we would like you to talk about something between yourselves. We are just going to listen.   Suppose there is something to be built or planted in your city neighborhood. The picture sheet shows you four choices 1) fitness facilities 2) a fountain 3) trees or grasses 4) statues   Please talk to each other about your suggestion and give your reasons. It’s not necessary to agree with each other. (3 minutes)   看到第二环节的题目的时候,作为考官的我,凭着多年PETS的教学经验知道要让一个PETS3的考生在考官的指导性语言中,马上听清楚并反应过来什么是 fitness facilities, fountain and statues 是有一定的困难的。果然,我的担心被考生们的现场表现给证实了。80%的学生都没能听懂考官的指导性语言。继而在这一部分中造成严重的偏题现象。   其中值得一提的是很多考生对这一环节的口试形式很不熟悉,不清楚这是一个互相交流的环节。很多考生是自顾自己说,没有一点的互动。而有的考生还以为是需要描述图片,所以就把一到四副图进行详细的描述,没有任何自己的观点。其实所有这些对于考试形式的不熟悉都可以在考前的培训班中得到解决,更了解题型也就意味着能更从容地面对这样的考试。
  Part C
  Now I will give each of a different picture. We would like you to first describe it and then tell us what you think about it.   Picture 1 (for Candidate A)   The mother was asking his son to do some house work, but he escaped. (Candidate A: 1.5 minutes; Candidate B: 0.5 minute)   Picture 2 (for Candidate B)   A girl is frightened by a huge pet dog. (Candidate B: 1.5 minutes; Candidate A: 0.5 minute)   在这一环节要求学生先对所给出的图画,进行简单的描述,再陈述自己的观点。其实向上面出现的两副画面都不算太难,只要有一定生活常识的考生都可以有话可讲。考生在这一环节里