




while learning,it also can master another language,which opense up the future employment space.德国高等教育也以其悠久的历史、严格的标准和高质量而闻名。迄今为止,已有100多名诺贝尔奖获得者接受过培训。

German Science and Engineering Specialty have a high reputation in the world,and automobile,machinery,engineering,electronics and other discipliners,when teachers or research strength,are world-class.

Students of Science and Engineering go to Germany to study these majors,which is the highest level of education in the world and is very beneficient to their future career development.此外,德国还拥有大众、梅赛德斯-奔驰、宝马、汉高、西门子、敦豪等多家知名跨国企业。Study in Germany can learn advanced industrial technology and concepts,and also increase the opportunities of international investment and work in first-class international enterprises.自2018年以来,根据法国高等教育局的最新要求,对中国学生入学考试的限制有所降低。如果学生申请非国家文凭或商学院专业,他们可以去掉入学考试成绩,直接提供可证明的入学考试成绩和高中文凭。This is a major policy adjustment over the years,which implize the application requirements and provides policy guaranters for competiting with more known British and American schools for students.此外,近年来,法国作为世界第三大留学生留学目的国,加大了对中国留学生的竞争。法国高等教育水平高、成本效益高、国家补贴多、就业驱动战略创新,赢得了中国学生的青睐,成为中国学生的重要选择。


small language advantagemost of the european countries are small language countries.选择在欧洲国家学习的学生不仅能掌握第三语言,而且具有一定的专业知识。这种复合型人才极为稀缺。因此,无论是在选择重返就业岗位还是在当地居住,他们都具有很强的竞争力。<livable natural environmenthaze free,pollution-free,beautiful screens,pleasure climate.


The purpose of european countries is not to regarde education as a proficiable industry.同时,一些国家对学习和生活中的日常消费提供补助和住房补贴。

more quality contentthe number of U.S.H-1B applications decreased raily in 2018?The number of U.S.H-1B applications decreased in 2018?这有几个原因!>

>Questions and answers to the 30 most common questions for english students in 2019.>

