GRE 阅读逻辑题思路实例讲解 5 种方法总有一款适合你

At the Shadybrook dog kennel, all the adult animals were given a new medication designed to reduce a dog ’ s risk of contracting a certain common infection. Several days after the medication was administered, most of the puppies of these dogs had elevated temperatures. Since raised body temperature is a side effect of this medication, the kennel owner hypothesized that the puppies ’ elevated temperatures resulted from the medication ’ s being passed to them through their mothers ’ milk.

Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the kennel owner ’ s hypothesis?

( A ) Some puppies have been given the new medication directly but have not suffered elevated temperatures as a side effect.

( B ) The new medication has been well received by dog breeders as a safe and effective way of preventing the spread of certain common canine infections.

( C ) None of the four puppies in the kennel who had been bottle-fed with formula had elevated temperatures.

( D ) an elevated temperature is a side effect of a number of medications for dogs other than the new medication administered at the kennel.

( E ) Elevated temperatures such as those suffered by most of the puppies in the kennel rarely have serious long-term effects on a puppy ’ s health.


1. 要搞清楚,逻辑单题里面的支持题(support)和削弱题(weaken)都是支持或削弱结论即可,不需充分也无需必要。那什么是充分、什么是必要呢?我们来回顾基本概念哦亲。

充分条件是,A 条件一定推出 B 结论;必要条件是,没有 A 条件,一定没有 B 结论。那么,不充分意思是,A 条件不一定推出 B 结论。同时,不必要意思是,没有 A 条件也有可能得出 B 结论。

2. 原文的模式属于 fact-cause 模式,也就是已知事实,求原因,对于求原因,逻辑上有密尔五法:求同法、求异法、同异并用法、剩余法和共变法。举例:


求异法:五个人去食堂吃饭,吃的一样,但是 A 多喝了一杯咖啡,A 拉肚子了,A 拉肚子的原因是什么?咖啡

同异并用法:五个人去食堂吃饭,2 个人喝了咖啡,都拉肚子,3 个人没有喝咖啡,都没有拉肚子。那么拉肚子的原因是什么呢?咖啡。

剩余法:A 去食堂喝饮料,喝了两杯饮料,咖啡和可乐,已知可乐肯定不会导致拉肚子,那么咖啡一定是拉肚子的原因。



题干说,在 Shadybrook 狗舍,所有成年狗都被用了一种新药治疗,来降低感染某传染病的风险。药物治疗几天后,多数小狗温度上升。因为体温上升是该药物的副作用,狗舍主人假设,小狗体温上升是因为药物从母乳里面传递过来了。


A. 一些小狗直接药物治疗但是没有体温上升的副作用

B. 新药已经被狗饲养员很好的接受了,作为安全高效预防一些狗传染病的方法。

C. 狗舍里面,仅奶瓶喂养的 4 条小狗里面没有一条体温上升。

D. 体温上升,是大量狗药的一个副作用,而不是因为新药。

E. 狗舍里面多数小狗遭受的体温上升,很少对狗健康有长期严重后果。

其实根据同异并用法,就是 C 答案了。


A. 说一些小狗直接吃药没有体温上升,跟原文药物副作用是温度上升矛盾。

B. 说新药可以治病,不能解释小狗没直接吃药为啥温度也上升了。

C. 说不吃奶的,没有一个体温上升。那么吃奶的上升肯定是因为吃奶。

D. 跟原文直接矛盾。

E. 说体温上升对小狗长期健康没什么坏处。这显然是无关,我们要高清的是吃奶的小狗为啥体温上升了。

PS: 其实学过理科的都知道,这是简单的对照试验。求异法就是空白对照实验。共变法就是相互对照实验。

有同学有疑问,为啥是 4 条狗,其实这就是不充分性的体现。只要支持即可,无需充分。

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