
  Conversely, you may breeze through each section, in which case the test may take less than three hours. Below is the actual time given for each section. Based on your experience taking practice tests and working on your speed you can adjust accordingly to answer the question: How long is the GRE for me?
  Testing center check-in: 5-20 minutes
  At a bare minimum you have to sign in, the staff has to take your finger/palm print, and you have to figure out the locker experience. The minimum time for you to actually sit down at the computer screen is five minutes.
  You can also have the unenviable experience of getting stuck behind a line of people, which typically has to do with the testing center's lack of efficiency. In these extreme cases you may have to wait as long as twenty minutes to actually sit down at the computer.
  Filling in information: 5-15 minutes
  If you are taking the GRE for the first time, you will have to enter in quite a lot of personal information (don't worry – this doesn't figure into your score!). This process may take as long as fifteen minutes.
  How long is the writing section? 1 hour
  Again, if you are a fast writer you may take a little less time. However, I'm guessing 99% of test takers will use the maximum time allotted for the essays. Of course you can always find ways to cut down on your essay writing time.
  How long are the verbal sections? 1 hour
  Each section is 30 minutes. The verbal sections do not follow back to back, unless the experimental section is a verbal section. I am just lumping the two verbal sections together to indicate the total time. Many students struggle with pacing on Reading comprehension.
  How long are the math sections? 70 minutes
  Same as applies to verbal section, save for the fact that each section is 35 minutes. Of course, you'll be happy here to have those precious extra 5 minutes. Here's some tips on saving time with GRE math.
  Experimental section: 30 or 35 minutes
  You may have noticed that each math section is five minutes longer than the verbal section. So if you end up getting a math section for an experimental section, expect to spend another five minutes in the testing center.
  Timed break: 10 minutes
  You do not need to take this break, but for a better test score—and your sanity—I highly recommend you do.
  Score accept screen: 5 minutes
  You have five minutes to determine whether you want to accept or reject your score. While you might be feeling the pressure here, at least you're done! Breathe!
  Checking in time: 10-25 minutes
  Actually taking the GRE time: 4 hours
  Therefore from the time you walk into the testing center to the time you walk out, you are looking at close to four and a half hours. Yikes! Because it's obviously so exhausting to sit through the entire test, I really recommend taking at least a couple of practice tests that simulate the real thing before test day – that means no interruptions for 4 and a half hours! Can you do it?


  我也是一个喜欢看电影的人,欧片美片都喜欢。我一般看DVD的时候,喜欢用两种字幕,下面英文上面中文,这样对照着看,不至于有的地方忽略看不懂。而且看英文字母很容易记住里面的单词。鸟叫 chirp,就是在怪物shrek里面看到的,因为英文字幕会注明象声词,鸟一叫字幕里就出现bird chirping.异教徒heretic,heresy异教,就是在圣女贞德里面看到的,圣女贞德受罗马教廷审判的时候,有个老头子就指着她说:她是一个heretic,她散布heresy,刚好我也背过,就全部记住了。基本上看历史片里面的词更GRE一些,现代片子的词都口语化。
  如果大家觉得BBC和VOA的语速快,可一听special English,那里面也可以听到不少GRE考试词汇,但是我推荐大家听正常速度的BBC与VOA,因为我们每个走上GRE道路的人必定是要考托福的,而托福的语速和它们是一样的,那何不从现在开始听呢,既能够背单词,又可以为以后的GRE听力打下基础。尤其是BBC,别因为不是美国英语就不愿意听,BBC的节目远远好过VOA,而且你听懂了BBC必可以听懂VOA,因为英国人基本上说话嘴不张大因此比美国人的英语更难听懂,而且说得超级快。
