


  1. Thomas Jefferson called The Federalist papers "the best commentaries on the principles of government ever written," and two centuries later they still stand as the most ________ statements of American political philosophy. ?

  (A) derivative ?

  (B) abstruse ?

  (C) impressive ?

  (D) ambiguous ?

  (E) underrated ?


  解析: 顺承关系/时间变化关系。Still表明仍然延续过去的评价。


  2. The most crucial issue for wildlife in this arid land is unimpeded ________ water. ?

  (A) passage through ?

  (B) freedom from ?

  (C) access to ?

  (D) saturation in ?

  (E) overflow of ?




  3. Freeing embedded fossils from rock has become less______ for paleontologists, who now have tiny vibrating drills capable of working with great speed and delicacy.

  A. exploratory

  B. conclusive

  C. tedious

  D. respected

  E. demeaning



  A. 挖掘的

  B. 结论性的

  C. 繁重冗长的

  D. 尊敬的

  E. 贬低的

  翻译:从岩石中取出镶嵌的化石对于古生物学家已经不那样(繁重), 现在他们有非常细


  4. With its large circulation, Essence magazine has enjoyed ______, only recently challenged by new publications aggressively seeking female African American readers.

  A. an aggregation

  B. an inclination

  C. a prognosis

  D. a retrenchment

  E. a preeminence



  A. 聚集,总合

  B. 斜坡,爱好

  C. 预测,预示

  D. 削减

  E. 卓越;杰出

  翻译:拥有大量的发行量, “要素”杂志曾经享有(杰出的地位),仅仅最近被新出版物所挑战,这些出版物激烈的寻找美国黑人女读者.

  5. Like many other groups of people in the United States who have needed laws to ______equal rights, Americans with disabilities have had to ______ legislation addressing their concerns.


  答案:A F


  A 保证

  B 排除,阻止

  C 使迷惑


  E 制订

  F 游说


  6. Just as glass windows offer building both light and insulation, certain atmospheric gases ______ incoming sunlight and ______ heat radiated from the ground, preventing warmth from escaping.


  答案:B F




  C 抵制

  D 释放

  E 分发

  F 控制


  7. No longer considered ______, the belief that all of Puerto Rico's indigenous Taino people perished centuries ago appears to be a ______ now that modern Taino descendants have come forward.




  A 神话的

  B 可靠的

  C 错误的

  D 现实

  E 误解

  F 可能性


  8. In many cases, the formerly______ origins of diseases have now been identified through modern scientific techniques.

  A. insightful

  B. mysterious

  C. cruel

  D. notable

  E. useful



  A 有洞察力的

  B 神秘的

  C 治疗的

  D 能看到的

  E 可用的


  9. Unprecedented turmoil in the usually thriving nation has made the formerly______ investors leery of any further involvement.

  A. pessimistic

  B. cautious

  C. clandestine

  D. reticent

  E. sanguine


  解析:变化类,make A (into) B

  A 悲观的

  B 小心的

  C 神秘的


  E 乐观的


  10. Initially only the carpeting outside the restroom was ______ by water from the burst pipe; eventually the entire hallway flooded.

  A. diverted

  B. confined

  C. scuttled

  D. cleansed

  E. drenched



  A 转向

  B 限制

  C 疾走,船沉没

  D 清洗

  E 湿透


  11. For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive dose of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be ______.

  A. healthy

  B. expensive

  C. wasteful

  D. toxic

  E. inane



  A 健康的

  B 贵的

  C 浪费的

  D 有毒的

  E 空洞的


  12. Marine biologist Sylvia Earle makes a career of expanding the limits of deep-sea mobility, making hitherto-impossible tasks______ through the new technology designed by her company.

  A. sharp

  B. feasible

  C. fantastic

  D. controversial

  E. captivating



  A. 尖锐的

  B. 可行的

  C. 难以相信的

  D. 有争议的

  E. 迷住了的

  翻译:海洋生物学家Sylvia Earle致力拓展深海移动性的工作, 通过她的公司设计的新科技她使得至今为止不可能的任务(成为可能).

  13. The existence of environmental contamination is no longer a point of ______: government, industry, and the public agree that it is a serious problem.

  A. concern

  B. cooperation

  D. urgency

  D. relevance

  E. dispute


  解析:no longer时间反义

  A 考虑

  B 合作

  C 紧急

  D 相关

  E 争论


  14. The quotation was erroneously ________ to a British poet. ?

  (A) resolved ?

  (B) attributed ?

  (C) activated ?

  (D) relegated ?

  (E) vitiated ?




  15. Farming had been profitable on the Great Plains for many decades, but by 1938 ______ agricultural practices and years of inadequate precipitation had ______ the land.


  答案:C E

  解析:时间反义;and 并列

  A 认真的



  D 持续

  E 剥去

  F 施肥


  16. Bankruptcy will not onlyundermine customer confidence , but also ______ the prospects of ongoing negotiations to absorb more investment.

  A embody

  B admonish

  C brighten

  D dent

  E evoke

  答案: D

  解析: not only A, but also B 句式

  A embody 体现

  B admonish 警告

  C brighten 擦亮

  D dent 削弱

  E evoke 唤醒

  翻译: 破产不仅破坏消费者的信心,而且(削弱)正在进行的吸收更多投资的谈判。

  17. Failure would be catastrophic because it challenges the efficacy of the rule of law as " an instrument of redemption . "

  A anachronistic

  B catastrophic

  C quixotic

  D polemical

  E spectacular

  答案: B

  解析: 利用因果关系解题A because B

  A anachronistic 时代错误的

  B catastrophic 灾难性的

  C quixotic 不切实际的

  D polemical 争论性的

  E spectacular 神奇的

  翻译: 失败将是灾难性的,因为它挑战了法制作为救赎的工具的效力。

  18. Anthracis not only secretes toxins that irreversibly damage immune system cells but also coats itself with molecules known as poly-gamma-D-glutamic acid to form a protective capsule and as it spreads .

  A stimulate growth

  B avoid detection

  C enhance productivity

  D seek opportunity

  E stay hibernation


  解析:该句包含一个not only A but also B结构,但更直接成为解题线索的是and 顺承关系,与空格顺承动作为 form a protective capsule。

  A stimulate growth 刺激生长

  B avoid detection 避免被发觉

  C enhance productivity 提高生产力

  D seek opportunity 寻求机会

  E stay hibernation 保持休眠


  19. The researchers found that not only did vortex rings alert fish to the trail of another swimmer , but the orientation of the ring generated a specific pattern of in the fish 's sensory system .

  A stagnation

  B luminance

  C composure

  D excitation

  E spontaneity


  解析: not only A,but B 结构 A为alert fish B 为 generated a pattern of 空格。

  A stagnation 停滞

  B luminance 发光

  C composure 镇静

  D excitation 兴奋

  E spontaneity 自发


  20. The scheme in its spirit is not merely unmanly , but (i) , and shocks , by the meanness of its cowardice ,not only the (ii) , but the civilization of the age .


  答案:B D

  解析: not only A, but also B 结构的两个变体:一个是not merely A, but B 结构 1空与 unmanly 是同义关系。一个是not only A, but B结构。2空与the civilization of the age 是同义关系。

  A scrupulous谨慎的 D chivalry 骑士风度,高贵情操

  B skulking 鬼鬼祟祟的 E pathology 病理学

  C providential 吉祥的 F cynicism 犬儒主义


  21. However , he has been disowned not only by the state’s extant , if endangered , cadre of mainstream Republicans but even by some of the hard right .

  A tardily

  B resolutely

  C spontaneously

  D desperately

  E credulously

  答案: A

  解析: however+形容词与后句形成转折关系。后句说他被自己的同志抛弃,如果没有however, 空格应为 “坚决”“无情”等,有了however, 空格应为“犹豫”,“舍不得”,“勉强”等,只有A 符合转折要求。

  A tardily 迟缓地

  B resolutely 坚定地

  C spontaneously 自发地

  D desperately 绝望地

  E credulously 轻信地


  22. Ironically , as the scientists reported in the May issue of Psychological Science , wearing counterfeit glasses fails to bolster our ego and self-image the way we hope , it actually our internal sense of authenticity .

  A stimulates

  B enhances

  C undermines

  D mars

  E relieves

  F mimics

  答案: C D

  解析:由 ironically 可知 wearing counterfeit 起到了矛盾反讽的效果。

  A stimulates 刺激

  B enhances 提高

  C undermines 破坏

  D mars 伤害

  E relieves 释放

  F mimics 模仿

  翻译: 反讽的是,正如心理科学5月刊的科学家们所报告的,佩戴伪造的眼镜不能提升我们希望打造的自我形象,实际上,它会破坏我们内在的本真感。

  23. To ensure that America remains an innovation hub , we need to ______more highly skilled college-educated graduates , particularly in the sciences , and to retrain existing workers to take on jobs in new sectors .

  A churn out

  B stop short of

  C bail out

  D refrain from

  E ally with


  解析:由目的可以推测空格动作,由and 顺承关系也可推测出空格是retrain同义词。

  A churn out 造出

  B stop short of 停住

  C bail out 解救

  D refrain from 限制

  E ally with 联合


  24. The Brooklyn tornado was __________in that it occurred during an unusual time of day and season and in the midst of a regional drought .

  A predictable

  B lagged

  C ferocious

  D bizarre

  E rare

  答案: D

  解析: 利用in that 因果关系解题

  A predictable 可预测的

  B lagged 滞后的

  C ferocious 凶猛的

  D bizarre 怪异的

  E rare 罕见的

  翻译:B 龙卷风很怪异,因为它发生在一个不寻常的季节,发生在地区性干旱的期间。

  25. Considering familiar potential disasters such as an asteroid impact , environmental degradation, nuclear war and unstoppable pandemics , Rees thinks science and technology are creating both new opportunities and new _______ .

  A validity

  B chances

  C prosperity

  D improvements

  E plagues

  答案: E

  解析: both A and B 提示空格与opportunities 可能同义,但整体句式要求与disasters 同义。

  A validity 有效性

  B chances 机会

  C prosperity 繁荣

  D improvements 提高

  E plagues 灾难

  翻译: 考虑熟悉的潜在威胁,例如,小行星撞击,环境恶化,核战争以及不可避免的传染病之外,R 认为科学和技术不但制造新的机会,而且制造新的威胁。

  26. Many government ministers and governing party officials now have Live journal blogs , and they have become the targets of opposition leaders , __________ and the occasional disgruntled retiree .

  A resigned working class

  B cynical teenagers

  C diligent entrepreneurs

  D indifferent voters

  E content wealthy

  答案: B

  解析: 空格处于A, B and C并列关系中,可知为opposition leaders 和disgruntled retiree同义词。

  A resigned working class 听天由命的工人阶级

  B cynical teenagers 愤世嫉俗的青少年

  C diligent entrepreneurs 勤奋的企业家

  D indifferent voters 漠不关心的选民

  E content wealthy 心满意足的富人

  翻译: 很多政府的部长们和执政党官员们现在都有及时更新的博客,他们已经成为反对党领导人,愤世嫉俗的青少年以及偶尔不满的退休人员的攻击目标。

  27. Soon came the " hubris of toughness " : the belief , after the over-learned lesson of Munich and appeasement , that America had to contain the Soviet Union to fight communism all over the globe .

  A however

  B yet

  C and

  D since

  E unless

  答案: C

  解析: 根据前后句义关系选择关联词语。

  A however 然而

  B yet 但是

  C and 并且

  D since 因为

  E unless 除非

  翻译: “傲慢的顽强”很快来临:这样一种信念,从慕尼黑和绥靖政策过分学到的教训,这就是,美国必须限制苏联,并且对抗全球的共产主义。

